Monday, October 27, 2008

Harry Potter

So, I know most people are thrilled that the "Twilight" movie is coming out in November now. I am excited, yes, but also a little disappointed to hear that Harry Potter got pushed back.

I've read the Harry Potter books since I was young. My mom used to read them out loud to my sister and I on car trips. As I grew older, I found myself re-reading the worn pages of our hardcover edition, which I still do to this day. I have (finally) come to terms with the fact that the series is over, and it might be a while (Twilight is great, but it's just not Harry Potter,) before we see another series like that.

My favorite in the Harry Potter series is "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." I must admit I was disappointed in the movie, because they left out some of the best scenes in the whole novel. I won't spoil them here (hopefully more will people read the books now.) 

It was fun growing up along side Harry Potter and his friends Ron and Hermione. The struggle with good and evil is something I think everyone deals with and as a child it was nice to have examples of how people's goodness can outweigh the bad. 

If you haven't read any of the Harry Potter series, I encourage you to do so. Especially if you like to read. I find something new in the series each time I read it, which goes to prove that the novels aren't just for kids. Or maybe, just maybe, they will let you escape back into your childhood. With a little bit of magic from Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. 


SaM-1 said...

I have a friend who was interested in the Harry Potter movies. To this day, I still don't understand how he could've been so interested in something that I found to be uninteresting. Maybe I'll understand his excitement in it all, but right now, I'm just not seeing it.

Angelm said...

I will watch Twilight movie this Nov, no doubt. And of course Harry Potter next year. For me, Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite HP part. Actually I watched it again in HD quality @ last Halloween and had a great movie marathon. :)